North of Scotland Cricket Association

Latest news from NoSCA

AGM 2016

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A copy of the report given by the NoSCA President at the AGM in Elgin on Sunday 7th February and the unadpoted minutes of the meeting can be downloaded via the following links. NoSCA AGM Report ...
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NoSCA AGM - Sunday 7th February

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NoSCA AGM Sunday 7th February 2016 Elgin City Football Club - 2.00pm The 2016 NoSCA AGM will take place in the upstairs Social Club at Elgin City Football Club, Borough Briggs this co...
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New draft constitution released for comment

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Following the successful and well attended workshop day on Sunday 1st November, the NoSCA Executive have issued a draft of a proposed new Constitution for comment.  A copy of the darft can be ...
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North of Scotland Cricket Association, President: Chris Blake
E: NoSCA President
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