North of Scotland Cricket Association


Unadopted minutes of meetings are circulated to all Club reps shortly after the meeting. Once they have been adopted, copies of minutes of the Association can be downloaded using the links below.


Executive Committe Meetings



If you would like a copy of the unadopted minutes for a meeting shown above without links, or you require copies of minutes for meetings before shown then please email the NoSCA Secretary.

News Headlines

Next NoSCA Meeting - 30th July 2024

The next NoSCA meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday 30th July 2024. The meeting will start at 7.00pm. Full Story...

Next NoSCA Meeting - 11th June 2024

The next NoSCA meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday 11th June 2024. The meeting will start at 7.00pm. Full Story...

North of Scotland Cricket Association, President: Chris Blake
E: NoSCA President
©2024 North of Scotland Cricket Association | Site by Plexus