North of Scotland Cricket Association

2019 Reserve League Fixtures

DateHome TeamAway Team
28 Apr Buckie Northern Counties
28 Apr Elgin Forres St Lawrence
28 Apr Fochabers Ross County
28 Apr Huntly Nairn County
12 May Buckie Huntly
12 May Forres St Lawrence Fochabers
12 May Nairn County Elgin
12 May Northern Counties Ross County
19 May Elgin Buckie
19 May Forres St Lawrence Ross County
19 May Huntly Fochabers
19 May Nairn County Northern Counties
2 Jun Fochabers Northern Counties
2 Jun Huntly Forres St Lawrence
2 Jun Nairn County Buckie
2 Jun Ross County Elgin
9 Jun Fochabers Elgin
9 Jun Forres St Lawrence Buckie
9 Jun Northern Counties Huntly
9 Jun Ross County Nairn County
23 Jun Forres St Lawrence Elgin
23 Jun Nairn County Huntly
23 Jun Northern Counties Buckie
23 Jun Ross County Fochabers
7 Jul Buckie Ross County
7 Jul Elgin Huntly
7 Jul Nairn County Fochabers
7 Jul Northern Counties Forres St Lawrence
14 Jul Elgin Nairn County
14 Jul Fochabers Forres St Lawrence
14 Jul Huntly Buckie
14 Jul Ross County Northern Counties
28 Jul Buckie Fochabers
28 Jul Nairn County Forres St Lawrence
28 Jul Northern Counties Elgin
28 Jul Ross County Huntly
11 Aug Buckie Elgin
11 Aug Fochabers Huntly
11 Aug Northern Counties Nairn County
11 Aug Ross County Forres St Lawrence
18 Aug Elgin Northern Counties
18 Aug Fochabers Buckie
18 Aug Forres St Lawrence Nairn County
18 Aug Huntly Ross County
25 Aug Fochabers Nairn County
25 Aug Forres St Lawrence Northern Counties
25 Aug Huntly Elgin
25 Aug Ross County Buckie
8 Sep Buckie Forres St Lawrence
8 Sep Elgin Fochabers
8 Sep Huntly Northern Counties
8 Sep Nairn County Ross County
15 Sep Buckie Nairn County
15 Sep Elgin Ross County
15 Sep Forres St Lawrence Huntly
15 Sep Northern Counties Fochabers

2019 Reserve Cup Fixtures

DateHome TeamAway Team
21 Apr Elgin 110 all out Forres St Lawrence 85 all out
21 Apr Fochabers 0 for 0 Huntly 0 for 0
21 Apr Fort Augustus 37 all out Highland 182 for 8
21 Apr Ross County 125 all out Northern Counties 120 for 9
5 May Buckie Fochabers
5 May Huntly Elgin
5 May Ross County Fort Augustus
5 May Skye & Lochalsh Highland
26 May Forres St Lawrence Fochabers
26 May Fort Augustus Skye & Lochalsh
26 May Highland Northern Counties
26 May Huntly Buckie
30 Jun Buckie Forres St Lawrence
30 Jun Fochabers Elgin
30 Jun Highland Ross County
30 Jun Northern Counties Skye & Lochalsh
21 Jul Elgin Buckie
21 Jul Forres St Lawrence Huntly
21 Jul Northern Counties Fort Augustus
21 Jul Skye & Lochalsh Ross County
1 Sep Finalist Finalist

2019 Reserve T20 Fixtures

DateHome TeamAway Team
19 May Highland Fort Augustus
19 May Highland Skye & Lochalsh
19 May Fort Augustus Skye & Lochalsh
16 Jun Buckie Huntly
16 Jun Buckie Fochabers
16 Jun Huntly Fochabers
16 Jun Nairn County Forres St Lawrence
16 Jun Nairn County Elgin
16 Jun Elgin Forres St Lawrence
16 Jun Ross County Northern Counties
16 Jun Ross County Prelim Winner
16 Jun Northern Counties Prelim Winner
4 Aug Finalist Finalist
News Headlines

Next NoSCA Meeting - 30th July 2024

The next NoSCA meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday 30th July 2024. The meeting will start at 7.00pm. Full Story...

Next NoSCA Meeting - 11th June 2024

The next NoSCA meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday 11th June 2024. The meeting will start at 7.00pm. Full Story...

North of Scotland Cricket Association, President: Chris Blake
E: NoSCA President
©2024 North of Scotland Cricket Association | Site by Plexus